Purpose of Meeting
The goal of the meeting is to document what could be learned by focusing the ocean observing assets of the world on observing marine organisms for a single day, particularly what could be learned from quieting the ocean for a period of a few hours to one day.
Background Documents
Andrew, R.K., B.M. Howe, J.A. Mercer, and M.A. Dzieciuch. 2002. Ocean ambient sound: Comparing the 1960s with the 1990s for a receiver off the California coast. Acoustics Research Letters Online 3:65-70.
Boyd, I. et al. 2008. The effects of anthropogenic sound on marine mammals: A draft research strategy. Position Paper 13, Marine Board, European Science Foundation.
Brewer, P.G., and K. Hester. 2009. Ocean acidification and the increasing transparency of the ocean to low-frequency sound. Oceanography 22:86-93.
Dushaw, B. et al. 2009. A Global Ocean Acoustic Observing Network. Community White Paper from OceanObs'09.
Frisk, G.V. 2007. Noiseonomics: the relationship between ambient noise levels and global economic trends. (Abstract)
Jasny, M., J. Reynolds, C. Horowitz, and A. Wetzner. 2005. Sounding the Depths II: The Rising Toll of Sonar, Shipping and Industrial Ocean Noise on Marine Life, Natural Resources Defense Council, New York, N.Y.
Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2009. Theme section on Acoustics in Marine Ecology.
McCarthy, E. 2004. International Regulation of Underwater Sound: Establishing Rules and Standards to Address Ocean Noise Pollution. Springer, Secaucus, N.J.
National Research Council. 2003. Ocean Noise and Marine Mammals. National Academies Press, Washington, D.C.
National Research Council. 2005. Marine Mammal Populations and Ocean Noise: Determining When Noise Causes Biologically Significant Effects. National Academies Press, Washington, D.C.
Renilson Marine Consulting Pty. Ltd. 2009. Reducing Underwater Noise Pollution from Large Commercial Vessels
Tyack, P. 2009. Human-generated sound and marine mammals. Physics Today November 2009, p. 39-44.
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Please contact Ed Urban ([email protected]) for additional information.